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"This book delivers truth that brings healing and hope!"

Odelet Nance Ph.D

Vincennes University

"I fully recommend this book to anyone interested in functioning at their highest potential within a relationship."

Jason Scott

Writer /Editor

"Very affordable and full of advice and inspiration!"

Sunnie Dee

WSMK 99.1 FM

"All women should read this book."

Propehtess Betty Harris

New Life Fellowship Ministry

" Your book is awesome. I love it because you didn't hold back on reality and truth.

Sylvia Moore

South Bend, IN

Firmly planted in everyday reality of life.

‘The Relationship Game’ is an exquisite, thoughtful exploration of the complexities of relationships, sexuality and self acceptance through a manner that is amusing and sure to evoke inspiration. Graceful and compassionately written, author’s passion for helping those who are single and need guidance is evident through the power of simple words and narrative firmly planted in the everyday realities.

Author Sherridon lyons- verse’s capacity to cover information rich lessons of life time in a fairly short read is remarkable and heartfelt. ‘The Relationship Game’ is a book where moral in not spelled out like any other fictitious tale but implied through practical experiences author has gained in her life.

Destined to capture imagination, immersive and engaging, author’s book is intricate and unique in its kind which is sure to make an excellent reading choice for summer vacation and is a definite recommendation to family, friends and readers who are single.

"Am reading the book now and find it enjoyable.   What I like about the book is even a non-church going person will find this book useful. "

                             Cheryl Ashe

                             WNIT  PBS

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